Android Linear Layout Example

Linear Layout is an android View Group that aligns all children in single oriented manner, vertically or horizontally. A Linear layout can have only one orientation, only vertical or only horizontal. The orientation can be specified by using attribute [cci]android:orientation[/cci]. Horizontal Orientation By default, if you don’t specify the attribute Read more…

Android Relative Layout example

[cci]RelativeLayout[/cci] is one of android container or [cci]ViewGroup[/cci]. Like it’s name, the main feature of [cci]Relativelayout[/cci] is to place one [cci]View[/cci] relative to other [cci]View[/cci] or with it’s parent it’s self. Place a view relative to other view In order to make a relative position of one view to another Read more…

Give an ID to your view in android xml file

Give an ID to your view object is very useful if you want to refer to that view later in source code. For example you want to set text of a TextView in source code. To do that, put [cci]android:id[/cci] attibute to your view. [sourcecode lang=”xml” highlight=”6″] <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" Read more…

Android hello word application

This tutorial will guide you to create a simple hello word application in android. Through this tutorial you will learn about the basic understanding of android activity and layout. Most common tool to create android application is Eclipse ADT plugin. You can follow step by step how to install eclipse Read more…